First and foremost, let's be clear. The hyper-sexuality is not a myth but it is certainly a cover up, and it's time to break this cycle before it is passed down to our youth. Society has fed us such a bland & watered down version of what a man truly is, and the sad part is, even men believe & become it. The truth behind the lies is men who have A lot of sex and do not demonstrate respect for their bodies, are only that way because they aren't practicing healthier forms of release. . Such as; crying, talking about their true emotions, hugging, participating in vulnerable displays of art etc. So who's to blame for the insensitivity and extreme sexual indulgence of our men? EVERY PART OF SOCIETY, including themselves. Conformed society puts pressure on men to work hard and keep a mask of no emotions on. They teach both men and women that a man who is verbally expressive, and seeks comfort emotionally is weak and unworthy. Subconsciously he seeks to release somehow, but consciously he knows if he isn't careful he will be classified as inferior to men who withhold their feelings. This is why they exert so much energy upon sexual intercourse. It is said to be the most dominating and conquering method of expression, to which they will not be condemned. After all, a man that has sex with multiple women consistently is "The Man" right? WRONG, trust me he doesn't feel that way when he's home alone at night, which is why he avoids it by hopping in between each and every set of legs that he is aroused by. The entertainment industry relies on men who are weak in the flesh to profit appropriately. They need someone to sell sex to, So what better way to guarantee consistent consumerism, than to block off all other means of release for our men? Hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, porn sites, strip clubs and even "free" clinics benefit off of this same scheme. CheckPoint: Have you ever noticed the impatience of men during sex? Do you ever wonder why the sexual experience is over after he orgasms? The selfish, one sided, lack of orgasmic sex is due to this same unhealthy cycle of release. Not only is it toxic for a woman who is only receiving his stress, pain and sorrow. It's also equally frustrating, and can cause a woman to become insecure. Sorry ladies. . . They don't even realize why they do it. Most male artists spend so much denying their emotions, that something that could serve as a healthy release becomes low vibratory as well. Men will tell you do not "wife" a woman you have sex with on the first date because she's probably easily passed around, but truthfully the same can be applied in their case. But what if I said you might not want to take a man serious if he opts to have Sex on the first date because it shows he's easily distracted &his flesh is weak. Of course, neither of the previous two statements are factual or obsolete but when and how someone has sex with you, communicates SOMETHING nonetheless. Society's shallow state of mind equates sexual interactions to being a hoe But what a hoe may really stand for is
P.S: If you just happen to "like Sex" you'll value experiencing someone whilst learning yourself and evolving together for optimum results. So how do we fix this?
What should Men do?
Remember, healthy forms of release can save you from becoming aggressive. Do not let sexual tension turn into violence. Stop allowing the world to control your mind and body through your dickhead. SideNote: When you tell a woman she loses value after sleeping with you, subconsciously you are revealing what you feel about yourself. Namaste 🙏🏾 Copyright © 2017 Melanin Reigns Essentials LLC. All rights reserved.
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Meet Your Writer✨
Melanin Reigns is a spiritual counselor, freelance writer and multifaceted creator. As a performing artist with the Speak Life Tour, she takes on music, written/spoken word, and hosting as a form of mentorship and a way to give back to the community. On first and third Tuesdays Mrs.Reigns hosts “The Mentoring Clinic” on WOLB 1010, with intent to shine a light on community businesses and organizations. More than just a writer or entrepreneur she is 360 degrees of versatility. The motivation of her efforts is powered by her love for the inner child and rewiring of the human heart and psyche. For more online work visit the "Reading Reignbow" under the @MrsMelaninReigns on You can find all social media pages under @MrsMelaninReigns Tune into Melanin Monday's at 10 pm Est on Facebook Live for insight and updates. -Where to Find Her? Facebook live 'Melanin Mondays' @ 11:30 a.m EST. The Mentoring Clinic WOLB 1010 am Radio 1st & 3rd Tuesday's from 1-2p.m EST Mrs. Reigns tours exclusively with Speak Life Tour , see for dates. ALL Social Media @MrsMelaninReigns |